A couple of years ago, I wrote a post giving a whole list of goals that I didn’t even achieve. I actually forgot all about them. They were: Get my life together. Run a half marathon. (Okay I actually met this one a year and a half later. Go me!) Mark some stuff off of my […]

Point of Victory

This is gonna be short and sweet. It’s been a while, though! So heyyyyy y’all! I started Year of the Bible again. Sometimes, I’m really good at just opening my Bible and going at it. Other times, I suck, and I need a plan. When NLC did Year of the Bible last year, I got […]

Suit Up

Shameless “How I Met Your Mother” reference as the title. This summer, one of my goals was to spend more time in the Word. If I had to choose a favorite that I’ve delved into, it would have to be the armor of God. I was so blessed to be raised in a church that […]


I’m not gonna keep y’all long tonight. 🙂 As I was watching Hidden Figures one night, about mid-way the movie, I began to notice that each of the main characters (the three women) had special, unique talents that enabled them to complete an assigned job. They had gifts – things that came natural to them. […]


I think I’ve learned more about myself and the Lord within these past two weeks than I have in the past two months. It’s crazy how one little happening can change a whole lot of stuff in your life. And even more crazy, the different areas of your life. I experienced this these past couple […]

Law of Attraction

Let me start by saying that this post is for me just as much as it is for others. So there’s this thing called the Law of Attraction. According to Ralph Trine, “The law of attraction works universally on every plane of action, and we attract whatever we desire or expect. If we desire one […]

Snap On!

Social media is bananas these days. BANANAS. It’s everywhere. Everyone uses it. People’s great grandmas use it. Never would I have thought that great aunts/uncles, 53rd cousins, and long lost cousins/friends from the good ole 90’s would be finding me on Facebook and other social media volumes. It’s kind of crazy when you think about it… Someone […]

Four Faves

Remember back in middle school when we used to take those quizzes online? Quizzes that were usually entitled, “About Me” or “Top 5 Favorite Things” and you had to name your top five of different categories of dumb, random stuff? Then post them on Facebook and tag the friends you wanted to take the quiz […]

Barren Shmarren!

Ello people. Still survivin’. Still behind on Year of the Bible. God’s still good. Today, I read a parable in the Bible that honestly just sounded irrelevant to me. I feel bad saying that, but it’s the truth. I re-read it and re-read it until I could finally make sense of it, because I knew something […]

Light & Dark

I almost named this post “Ebony & Ivory”. Haaaaaaaaaa. Long day. Dr. Brandon O’Brien brought the Word today and he said something extremely subtle that resonated with me. He mentioned that the books of Genesis and John in the Bible both begin in the same way: “In the beginning…” He continued, saying God created the heavens […]